Hi! I'm Anna Bentley, an Atlanta-based writer and editor.
anna dot bentley at gmail dot com
Why "0151"?
It's the keyboard shortcut to the em dash, my most beloved punctuation mark—try it sometime!
A little about me:
Lover of black cats, white space, and the Oxford comma.
Winner of the "Quiet as a Mouse" award, sixth grade. Passionate about air hockey and taquerias.
Ready to help you wrangle your words.
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Recent writing
Feature-length article writer on lifestyles, education, STEM, and healthcare topics.
January 1, 2020
A feature on the research of Dr. Elisabetta Matsumoto into the science behind knitted materials
November 1, 2019
A feature on the Museum of Wonder, a roadside drive-thru museum of curiosities and outsider art
October 1, 2018
A feature on how Emory Nursing encourages nurses to conduct their own research and incorporate scientific evidence into their practice
September 1, 2018
A feature on how Georgia's engineering and design firms integrate research and development into their practices
For more writing samples, check out my Contently portfolio.
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Recent editing
Detail-oriented editor/proofreader of digital learning courses, educational guides, corporate communications, newsletters, and advertising campaigns.
Since May 2020
Palo Alto Networks
Edit cybersecurity digital learning courses in Appitierre and Evolve
Since May 2020
Bright Futures Atlanta
Edit marketing materials for nonprofit serving youth on Atlanta's Westside
Since Fall 2019
American Association of Post-Acute Care Nurses
Edit new and revised nursing curricula for specialized certification courses
Since October 2015
Big Nerd Ranch
Copy edit and proofread bestselling programming guides in iOS, Android, Swift, and Kotlin programming
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Contact me
I'm always open to new writing or editing opportunities! If you have a project you need help with, tell me about it!